Economy Sieve Shaker, 8" 115V

Econo Sieve Shaker for 8" Sieves – 115 volt/60hz

Effective design for accurate separation of materials. Suited for laboratory or field use.

Built in Timer, accepts 8" (203mm) standard test sieves.

Sieves NOT included.

The Econo Sieve Shaker assures accurate sieving or grading tests by utilizing an upward and downward motion for the separation of materials.

Unit should be bolted to bench for correct operation.


Capacity – Ten (10) 8" Sieves * Eighteen (18) Half-height 8" Sieves

Timer – Built in 0 – 30 minutes * Dimensions – 15" W x 15" D x 45" H

Motor – 1/4 HP 110v – 60Hz

Download Operating Instructions Manual PDF - 75 KB

Legend, Inc. 988 Packer Way Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: 775-786-3003