Soda Lime Glass Beads (Grinding / Cleaning Media) 50 lbs
Cleaning of debris from vats, tubes, trays, utensils, tanks, etc.
General cleaning of machinery, dies, plates, molds
Removal of coatings and debris from surfaces
Maintenance cleaning in engine rebuilding
Cleaning of large turbines and engine castings as well as small intricate parts.
Economical: can be recycled/reused many times
Chemically inert: no ferrous or other residues
Typical Properties
Shape: spherical
Color: clear
Hardness: (Knoop) 515
Compressive strength: 36,000 psi (avg.)
Density: 2.5 g/cc
Specific Gravity: 2.45-2.50
Free silica content: 0%
*All components are amorphous/noncrystalline