Used Perkin Elmer Aanalyst 400 Flame Atomic Absorption

This instrument is clean, and appears to work well. The ignitor works, and the flame lights. The video shows the machine running, and we aspirated a 1ppm and 2ppm copper solution. All parameters were NOT optimized, so higher absorbance can probably be achieved by alignment of the burner head, adjustment of the nebulizer, etc. We are not fully familiar with the equipment, so cannot certify the condition and it is sold “as is” for use, or parts, or repair. See the attached videos below for more information. Included: Manual (digital) D2 background lamp Hoses and acetylene regulator Computer with monitor Winlab32 software Flow Spoiler Spray chamber Air-acetylene burner Iron-Copper-Nickel multi-element lamp Drain bottle with interlock High solids, high sensitivity PEEK nebulizer (w/ceramic impact bead) Original software disks Not included: Acetylene tank and Air compressor Video showing startup: <STARTUP> Video showing Instrument aspirating copper standard solution and absorbance: <ANALYZE>

Legend, Inc. 988 Packer Way Sparks, NV 89431 Phone: 775-786-3003